Brookside Community Cemetery History
Wardour Street - Bedford, NS
(These notes are based on a Monograph written by Trustee George Christie in 2001. Full text is available in Bedford Public Library and at the Historical Research Centre at the Fort Sackville Mannor House)
1881 - Miss Mary Ann Henrietta Brockwell (01-D-03) donated a plot of land of approx 3 acres (200x600') by Deed of Trust (book 225, pp 548,549).1881 - First Board of Trustees appointed by Miss Brockwell (representing 6 Christian denominations in Bedford):
Dr. John Ternan, Peter Jack, Esq., William H. Clark, George Boggs, Edward Morrison, James Scott and John Corbin (01-D-01)
1900 - Fencing of the property. Number of lot holders is 29 (out of the final number of 86)
1917 - A wire fence erected with funds canvassed from the community by Mrs. Amelia Reid (01-H-08)
1925 - An agreement was reached with St. Paul's Home for Girls to purchase the adjacent land (present day "Annex") for $200.00
1927 - Cemetery Incorporated by bill 147, 1927 as the Brookside Cemetery Corporation of Bedford with Directors: James A. Knight, Thomas H. Curry, Roy E. Archibald, A Byron Shaffelburg, Edmun P. Ennis, Henry Doyle and Elijah Hefler.
1927 - With new powers given it by incorporation, The board levies a tax of $2.00 per annum per lot owner.
1928 - Canvass for funds for further maintenance by Mrs. H. O. Pryor resulted n collection of almost $900.00.
1951 - Mrs. Pryor organizes another canvas and rasies about $1,000.00
1952 - Ammendments to the Act of Incorporation. Among other things, this gave authority for lot holders to make a lump payment of $125.00 in lieu of annual tax. The last Annual tax was received in 1970-71.
1958 - Three house lots between Annex and Parker's Brook sold for $1,500.00 to finance improvements of newly acquired land (3 acres).
1962 - Consecration Service for the Annex lands.
1975 - Cremation lots approved by the Trustees.
1981 - Establishment of the Computer Data Base within the Administration of new Town of Bedford. This involved on the ground study of each and every lot as it appeared on the map and eventual key entry of 1500+ records.
1988 - Consecration of the Granite Marker at the entrance to the Annex.
1993 - Comprehensive re-survey of the property and the position of each grave. This survey is updated annual during the winter months when the Cemetery is closed.
1994-1997 - Landsscaping consultant's study and proposal.
2003 - First Columbarium installed