Rules and Regulations
Burial Hours: Burials will be carried out between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday to Friday (excluding statutory holidays).
Damage to Property: No one may damage, destroy, remove or deface any property in or belonging to the Corporation.
Liability for Loss or Damage: The Corporation assumes no liability or responsibility for loss of, or damage to, any grave, lot, columbarium, niche, monument, marker or article, that may be placed on a grave, lot or niche. All persons and vehicles entering the Cemetery grounds do so at their own risk.
-Vehicles: Vehicles within the Cemetery shall be driven at a speed less than 10 km/hr. At no time shall such vehicles park or drive on the grass. Owners of vehicles will be held liable for any damage caused by their drivers or vehicles;
-Bicycles: The operation of bicycles is not permitted within the Cemetery grounds;
-Sports: The playing of sports is not permitted within the Cemetery grounds;
-Improper Conduct: In the sole discretion of the Corporation, any persons whose actions, conduct, behaviour, or attire disturbs the decorum of the Cemetery, or who violates these Cemetery Rules or the By-Laws of the Cemetery, may be required to leave the Cemetery grounds;
-Animals: Dogs, cats, pets or other animals are not permitted in the Cemetery, with the exception of a Seeing Eye Dog accompanying a visually disabled person to the Cemetery;
-Special Events: Special events shall only be permitted on Cemetery grounds with the prior approval of the Corporation;
-Soliciting: Canvassing, soliciting, advertising or distributing business cards in the Cemetery grounds is prohibited, as is the placing or displaying of any manufacturers, monument dealers or quarry’s name, insignia or trademark in any form;
-Photographing, Film or electronic video-taping: May only take place with the prior approval of the Corporation.